Babatunde ASHIRU Speak to Amanda Customer service is so much more than just providing support to your customers. It is the smile at the front desk, the listening ear after service and the voice with which brand and customer alike can... brand customer satisfa customer service customers Mar 29, 2022 0 1348 Our blog
KADIRI ADEMOLA AFOLABI How To Get The Best Out Of Activations Activations are events, campaigns or interactions targeted towards painting a long lasting image of a brand in the minds of the target audience. It's a great way to launch a new product, gain brand re... Dec 21, 2021 0 1088 Our blog
KADIRI ADEMOLA AFOLABI Purple Baby Project: A Studio24 CSR Initiative, Saving Lives, One Baby At A Time The Purple Baby Project is born out of our personal experience as a company, and our desire to be a company that responds to the needs of all its stakeholders – whether external or internal. An introd... Dec 20, 2021 0 1237 Our blog
KADIRI ADEMOLA AFOLABI Top 15 Photography Quotes Since the first successful photograph was taken by Joseph Nicephore Niepce in 1826, photography has really come a long way and many quotes have been attributed to the profession. This article highligh... Nov 29, 2021 0 1405 Our blog
KADIRI ADEMOLA AFOLABI 7 Things Beginners Should Know About Photography There is something about photography that seems somewhat addictive: you simply can’t get enough after understanding how to capture beautiful images. There are many things to understand about photograp... Nov 11, 2021 0 1576 Our blog
KADIRI ADEMOLA AFOLABI Why Ignoring Photography Will Cost You Sales Saying that your business might suffer as a result of not adding photography to it might seem a tad dramatic, but it is the absolute truth. There are some crucial factors in marketing and sales, of wh... Nov 10, 2021 0 1104 Our blog
KADIRI ADEMOLA AFOLABI 2 Simple Tips For Using Photography To Get Ahead Of Your Competition When it comes to business development, most entrepreneurs, brand managers and professionals often look towards referrals, cold calls, physical and core digital marketing. While this is good, there are... Nov 10, 2021 0 1210 Our blog
KADIRI ADEMOLA AFOLABI Why Dedicated Cameras Beat Smartphone Cameras Every Day It won’t be remiss to say that the quality of cameras in smartphones keeps getting better every single day. Mobile phone companies are trying to outdo one another with the options and features present... Nov 9, 2021 0 932 Our blog
KADIRI ADEMOLA AFOLABI Your Photographer Should Have These Qualities Creative photography has come a long way. From the days of using photo films and then developing them in the studio, the world has embraced technology in its quest to keep reinventing what photography... Nov 8, 2021 0 1096 Our blog
KADIRI ADEMOLA AFOLABI 5 Tips For A Successful Beauty Shoot Often time, it is not rare to see beauty photoshoots lacking the essence of what they should embody: enhancing beauty. While this might be attributed in part to the expertise of the photographer, it i... Nov 8, 2021 0 1095 Our blog
What You Should Know About Branding The lifeblood of every business is how it projects its brand to everyone. Branding, for every business, whether small, medium or big, is very important and could be the difference in how much is earne... Nov 8, 2021 0 908 News
The WIF Customer Service Week Edition Tada! It's Thursday! And that could only mean one thing! Another episode of "Winging it Friday" is here. First, let's do a quick rundown of last week's webinar Last week, we had our Independence editi... Oct 21, 2021 0 833 Winging It Fridays